The Internet has grown leaps and bounds over the past decade. From the dotcom bust of 2000-2001 to now, we have seen a massive growth in the amount of information contained in it as well as the numbers of users actually using it. In the coming years it will continue to grow, but it will continue to grow differently than it has been. The focus will no longer be on communication between a user and the internet via a pc or other connected device, but more a collaboration of people and things. Not only will you have users interacting with other users or devices, but you will have devices interacting with devices as well. Machine-to-Machine interaction will soon be the primary form of communication over the internet. And we are not just talking about computers to computers, we're talking about devices like washers, TV's, microwaves, etc. By the year 2020, we will have over 50 billion devices connected to the internet and right now we have enough information to create a stack of books from the Sun to Pluto and back.
Important Points
Really, there are three "enabling components" that will help bring about the Future Internet. The first is "Capable Access Mechanisms" which basically states that we need the underlying infrastructure to support this new type of internet. Both wireless and wired networks need to be future-proof for a 20 year time frame. Other things like speed and IP addresses need to take into account this new change. IPv6 will allow nearly infinite connections to the internet and speeds will have to be closer to the 350Mbit/s range to support Super Hi-Def video, for example. Second is the "Cloud Infrastructure" which allows a removal of barrier to internet-style business models. People will be provided with more customized services and will need to be put in control of that data. Security will play a major role in cloud technology. Finally "Converged Services" will represent a transformational change in the way organizations deliver services, requiring them to develop new business models and technology implementations.
Wireless is key! Much of the Future Internet relies on wireless connectivity and wireless infrastructure. This gives the user access anytime and anywhere. It also helps to promote machine-to-machine communications which is critical for the Future Internet.
Smart cities will lead us! Cities like Barcelona and San Francisco are considered smart cities in that they have much of this Future Internet infrastructure already in place. Smart Phones, Wireless Internet, Media Facades, Sensor Networks, and RFID tags enable more increased used of integrated services which result in more data and improved interfaces, giving rise to still better services.
Silo-based approach to convert into Converged-Sector Services. Industries like Healthcare, Transporation, Energy, and Supply Chain will be able to share data on the new Future Internet. They will no longer be silo'd entities. Databases will be shared and not restricted, a free flow of information will occur to better service the customer.
Data is key! The Future Internet depends on Data. How it is generated and how it is managed and communicated. More data needs to be made available and shared so that more converged services can be created. Images and video are fueling the growth of data. There are over 1 billion devices in the words that capture video and images.
My Opinions
I agree wholeheartedly with the article on the future of the Internet. We are headed towards a more service-oriented approach to the internet and we can see evidence of that today. Wireless has taken off, we see that with the advent of the SmartPhone. The internet is at our fingertips from just about anywhere. No longer do we need to be near a computer, we can program our TV's, buy movie tickets right before the show, watch movies, research anything and everything...and all made possible by wireless technology. Another thing that was touched on was the increased need for security. With all the good things that the internet provides, we have to realize that and increase in the "negative" will more than likely occur. More threats, attacks, and the like will be possible and it's important to come up with strategies to both defend and prevent them. I like the idea of Cloud computing as well. No longer are we restricted to what's on our PC...we can access music, pictures, documents, software, etc. all with an internet connection. Though it's still fairly new technology, I think it will certainly take off.
Class Relationship
I like how this class focuses on new things. Cloud computing, Wireless Apps, etc. All of this is relevant to the Future Internet. I'm also hoping that the program as a whole will prepare us with the necessary skills to be effective with the Future Internet. Upon completion, I want to be skilled in many areas that will help me to grow as an IT professional.
Closing Summary
It is important to realize that the Future Internet will not one day be "switched on", it is an evolutionary process that will occur over time. We are not exactly there yet, but steps are being taken today to help us stay on the right path. The Future Internet will be a more customized experience, giving the user everything they want and nothing they don't.
Nice summary and analysis. We'll mix learning about more current aspects of developing with trending topics. My goal is to have you ready to go when you complete the program :-)